Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tennis Grip for the Kick Serve

Tennis grips are for different purposes. If you want to hit a good kick serve, you should use the Continental forehand grip. Before I explain how to hold this grip, it’s important to know the shape of a tennis racket handle.

Every racket handle has an octagon shape and has eight flat surfaces (sides). These sides are called bevels and are specially designed to enable you to grip the racket using different grips. Each bevel is known by its position from the top bevel. The top bevel is known as bevel #1. This is the side that leads to the edge of the tennis racket (not to the strings). Then for right handers, count clockwise and the next bevel is bevel #2, followed by bevel #3 and so on. For left handers, count counter-clockwise where the next bevel is #2, then #3 etc.

Now the Continental forehand grip is where you grip the tennis racket handle at bevel #2. That means putting bevel #2 along your palm from the base of your forefinger diagonally across to the your wrist.

This allows you to use your wrist better when you serve to give your kick serve more spin.

Now learn how to hit the kick serve at Tennis Kick Serve Technique.

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